

How to buy LoRa Matlab Codes?

Matlab codes to generate LoRa Symbols : $15
This Matlab code is related to the following posts: LoRa: Symbol Generation & Matlab Code to Generate LoRa Symbols

Matlab codes to generate LoRa Decoding : $20
This Matlab code is related to the following posts: LoRa Decoding & Matlab codes for LoRa Decoding

Matlab codes to generate LoRa performance comparison of SF and end to end simulation : $35
This Matlab code is related to the following posts: LoRa: SF performance comparison

All Matlab codes with complete LoRa material : $50
This includes all our simulations, research papers, standards, different LoRa tables, MAC complete structure diagram and all the Matlab codes we wrote including above three.

Insight of this package:

Main Folder:

My_other_work_on_Lora Folder:
References Folder:

How to buy:
Pay using paypal and email us the receipt of your payment and get the codes immediately. 
(if you don't have paypal account email us to pay by other methods)

If you are a research student and want to sell your work on my Blog here, please reach me on


  1. All is good about the codes, I think the implementation is for a single user. It is also possible to extend it for multiple users. All works well. Thank you Mr. Sakshama.

    1. Thanks Angesom. It can be easily extended to multiple users.

  2. Very well-written and understandable code.. Recommenced...!!!

    1. Hi Thanks for appreciation and for showing interest in our codes.

  3. Great job, very helpful and understandable code! Thank you Mr. Sakshama.

  4. A very understandable yet important and comprehensive work.

    The codes provided helped us manipulate a LoRa simulation and study the change in performance with the change of some parameters easily, the comments added to the codes helped a lot as well.

    Highly recommended for students (Master's or PhD) who are willing to understand LoRa.

    Thank you Mr. Sakshama, bests.

    1. Thanks Zainab for providing detailed feedback. Multiple people have cited and used these codes for their Master and PhD thesis.

  5. Hi Sakshama, Do you provide teaching classes about LoRaWAN simulations? If Yes, kindly reply me as soon as possible. Thanks

  6. The delivery of codes was very fast the code is Working good very easy to understand and well commented
    Thanks Sakshama

  7. Great job, very helpful and understandable code!
    Thank you Mr. Sakshama.

  8. Hi. I am working on a project to utilize LORA, but in a creative way. I want to ask if this code is fully-representative of the LORA system. For example, if I modulate a chirp signal that may be incomprehensible by traditional LORA, and try just look at the LORA results of it, (by multiplying the downchirp and running FFT, etc.) will I be able to do it with some fixes to the code? Does this code include the entire downchirp multiplying and FFT running codes? If yes, I will purchase your code without hesitation. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kang, This codes has more than what you need. I hope you got all your questions answered after buying?

  9. Hi. I am working on my thesis. I want to ask that if your code for the gateway handles multiple incoming signals..Meaning many signals arriving at the same time? ..Also till how many nodes can it scale in Matlab ?

  10. Mr. Sakshama,
    I want to know that the simulation code can communicate with the commerical chip such as sx1276 etc and . Thanks a lot!

  11. Hi, i want to buy a Matlab code can you contact me

  12. Well organised code for LoRa simulations.
    Neatly documented and much helpful for anyone.

  13. This is a good resource for learning LoRa.

  14. Are there any legal terms or licenses (such as GPL) for this software

    1. Hi, there is no legal license. Once you buy it you are free to modify or use the code however you want.

  15. Hi, i want to buy a Matlab code can you contact me ?
